Wednesday, 12 February 2014


 So lets pretend like Im a blogger


Every day I update my blog and allow people to view my thinking process – a blog that this is full of useful information that can tell other people what im doing, instead of being a weird none social media hermit.

 Ok so I shall begin with an apology for basically not up loading anything for several months (no I don’t only make lamps).

So after last semester I was left in a weird limbo – not being entirely sure what I should be doing or really knowing where my project was heading / whether I had taken any appropriate steps during my MFA course.
So lets re-wind three weeks ago, after a discussion with my new Tutor Thom Gattis, I have decided to leave some aspects of my work on the back burner (keeping them in mind but perhaps trying not to focus on them), whilst saying that some aspects of the design are conceptually sound and finalized.



The poly morph handle is certainly one aspect of the design that Appears to be at a stage where although needing tweaking- I am accepting that the design has sound and compelling reasoning to exist.
And after doing finalizing research with my faithful Model Nevin, I was able to prove that the polymorph would even allow a user with a messed up broken Phalanx finger to create a personalized handle.

How ever I feel that the large loop at the top although working is something that needs to be left behind (for the begging re design process at least),  there is definite evidence that the sliding motion relives friction and pain, but the design is not ready and needs to be re considered / adjusted.


I am also quite annoyed that I was not able to create a fully working model (even though I attempted several time – and failed multiple times at molding a working crutch) – which Is probably another reason I am leaving this section of the design for a while



So where am I at, I think that I need to really reconsider the issues with crutches and as such I am going to be taking a range of people for the 5Th percentile female -  the 95th percentile Male, and try to discover all of the faults with crutches so I can consider a “complete” re design.

To do this I obviously need to have some footage (so that I can analyses peoples interactions with crutches – my set and a normal set) so that I can asses all the issues.
unfortunately finding people with a broken leg even with snow and ice every where is hard so I have developed a device that straps on to the font of the leg and foot and causes the wearer to feel like they are wearing a cast up ankle.


I have some basic footage already (just to prove that the broken leg device works), but for right now the scenarios I want to shoot people in are as follows:

Walking in a straight Line.

Walking round a set of obstacles (most likely cones)

Walking in a crowded environment (I will probably make some cardboard cut out dummies)

Walking up and down hill

Walking up and down stairs

Opening a door

Walking outside (whilst it is still icy)

Carrying a back pack / carrier bag

And then repeat the test with a person wearing winter clothing.

I think I need a wide demography: tall, short, muscular, larger, male female, approximately 10 – 15 people.

And then I guess the re design will begin.

I have some footage which I will show during class today and if there are any ideas you guys can help me with, or if anyone knows of a Physical therapist in Columbus – (preferably inner city {I Only have a bike}) that wouldn’t mind having a discussion / coffee with a slightly insane British designer that could be useful